Monday, August 06, 2012

Cooking Party

Madelyn finally got to have her 8th birthday party!
Her birthday was the end of June but with family reunions, her baptism/Kylie's blessing, Grandma's cousin camp and our many, many dr.'s appts it just kept getting pushed back week after week. When Kylie's shoulder dislocated 2 days before the big day I was tempted to reschedule but by this point I was just ready to be done with it.
So here we go...
Kory thought I was CRAZY but I made each girl her own apron with her initial and a matching chef's hat. It was a bit time consuming and a lot of work but the girls LOVED them. We used these as the party favors.   

 Eva, McKayla, Madelyn, Ruth, Brittyn
I told Madelyn that with her birthday theme that she picked she could only invite the amount of kids we could fit around our table. With Emily being invited too, this left her with a total of 6 kids including herself. So she got to invite 4 friends. I made Emily an apron and hat too BUT she didn't want to be in the picture!

To start our party I had balloons the girls blew up, dipped them in melted chocolate and then we put them on a cookie sheet and into the refrigerator they went to get hard. When the chocolate was hard we popped the balloons and used our chocolate bowls later for dessert. Next time we do this I'll spray the balloons with PAM before dipping them. I had a hard time getting the balloons to come away from the chocolate bowls without breaking them.  
 After the chocolate bowls were made everyone got to make there very own personal pizza's.
 They loved rolling out their circle of dough and putting there very own toppings on.
 While our lunch was baking we played the flour game. Ever played this before? None of these girls had. I filled a measuring cup with flour, packed it in tight, I flipped it over and then patted it out onto a plate carefully so it would keep it's form. We then put a penny on top.
 Each girl took a turn cutting a piece of the flour away.
 When the penny fell, she had to pick it up with her teeth.
 After the flour game the girls put together their green salad on a stick to go with their own personal pizza's.  Maddie was holding the baby for me while I was getting everyone else's pizza's out of the oven. Baby girl was not happy!
 After lunch we played the candy bar game. One girl was rolling dice trying to get double one's while another girl had to put her apron over her head, put her baker's hat on, and using two hot pads and two knifes cut small pieces of a snicker's bar. She could cut as many pieces from the snicker's until the double one's were rolled. When they were rolled the dice was moved to the next girl and the candy bar plate followed. The girls who got a lot of snicker's loved this game. The girls who didn't get a lot didn't care for this game so much!
 After the candy bar game we opened gifts because one of the girls ended up having to leave early.
 After gifts they sat around the table again frosting and decorating cupcakes!
Madelyn thoroughly enjoyed her cooking party and I think the other girls did too. They kept saying , "this is so much fun" or "this is so awsome". I'm glad they enjoyed themselves. I'm glad they had fun. And truth be told I'm glad it's over! It's been a crazy few weeks.

And now I'm done for a few years. Our kids only get friend birthday parties when they turn 5, 8 and 12.
Our next big birthday party will be when Brayden turns 5 still two years away. 

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