Friday, May 03, 2013

Hunter Hit's The Double Digits!

My oldest has hit the double digits!
Where has all the time gone?
I'm not old enough to have a child reach this milestone!
Regardless of what I think, it's happened.
He's 10!

It's been a tradition in our family that we have pancakes for every birthday breakfast. The age they turn determines the amount of stacked pancake that is placed on their plate. The older they get the smaller each pancake becomes. But I love watching the stack of pancakes grow each year.
Well...something happened between the last April and this past April. Hunter has decided that he really does not like pancakes. Being our family only eats cold cereal on Sunday mornings, pancakes have become my quick, hurry, we don't have a lot of time breakfast and so it is not uncommon for us to have pancakes 2x a week.  I guess maybe we've eaten pancakes too much this school year. Hunter specifically asked if we could NOT have pancakes for breakfast but his favorite, German Egg Balls. So that's what we did. My camera decided it didn't want to work when we sang Happy Birthday or when he was able to blow out the 10 candles from his breakfast. It decide to work when Hunter was finished with his breakfast and there was nothing left to take a picture of but mom did it anyways just because.

 Hunter is growing up. He's not a little boy anymore. He's reached that age that we can have a serious conversation with. He understands what we are trying to explain to him. He can be quite funny! Dad was joking around with him that he was getting new "Go Diego Go" underware and got this reaction from him. I love his laugh!
Hunter has needed a new bike for quite some time now. The bike he's been using he's had for several years now but he has outgrown it. While riding if not careful his knee's would hit the handle bar. I was contemplating getting him a new bike at Christmas but knowing he wouldn't be able to use it we waited for the birthday. So glad we did.

 Since before Christmas Hunter has wanted Skylander's for the Wii. My opinion was that I wasn't going to pay $70 on a white circle box that you place characters on. The character's that sit on top of this box are the character's that can be played during the game. What a rip off! You have to spend that much money on the game and than spend additional money for character's. What ever happend to Super Mario Bro.'s or Donkey Kong and 10+ characters you could choose from???  A few weeks after Christamas I saw the game on Amazon for just a few hours priced at under $50 and so I snagged it with the intention of saving it for his birthday. I wish I had caught on camera his expression when he opened Skylander's. Knowing how ridiculous I thought of the game I think he really thought he'd never own the game. It was priceless!

 Hunter was quite thrilled with his new bike too. He opted to take it for a spin before he played his new wii game. Being it was early April the snow was gone but the wind wasn't. I love how you can see how his shirt is plastered to his body and he's sitting still. (Don't mind the blown out knee. Apparently he ripped it while playing tag football at school.)
 I wanted to make this boy a skylander's cake but he doens't like cake, frosting or fondant. He requested his favorite dessert, brownie and ice cream. My camera at this point decided not work again. Howeer fiddling with it for a few minutes it came back to life so we relighted the candles for a picture which is why the brownies shown below have already been cut into!
 Happy Birthday Hunter!
Hunter's favorite subject in school right now is "recess" hahahaha. Do you remember saying things like that? After recess his next favorite is Math. His favorite books he's read this year is Harry Potter (this is the 2nd time), Percy Jackson Series and the Ice Fire Collection. He has a love for reading.

Hunter loves to spend his time outside. He likes to play basketball and baseball. He likes riding his bike around town. He likes to jump on his cousins tramp, sleep outside and go up to his Grandpa's shop and using his BB gun shoot crow's with his cousins.

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