A few day's before Valentine's Day Hunter's, class Room Mom called and asked if I would plan his party. How could I not say yes? After talking to Hunter I learned that most parties consisted of going to the gym and playing basketball. I knew this had been happening but I didn't know that this was all that was ever done. No games and lots of times the room Mom brought chocolate chip cookies for the snack.
This is very likely Hunter's last year at school where he will be having school parties. Next year if we are not living here he will be attending middle school (6th-7th) or a 6th grade center. School parties will than be that of a past time. It makes me sad knowing he's growing up and some of these fun things are coming to an end in his childhood. Wanting go out with a bang for this party I came up with some fun games. Some we've played at ward parties, minute-to win-it parties and other's I got the idea off of Pinterest. With all the snow melted and being an abnormally warm day (53 degrees) we held the party outside.
Our first game we split into 2 teams. At the moment the class is evenly tied between boys and girls so they chose to split up that way. The boys made a line between two tables and the girls made their own too. The first in line had to bend over and scoop a conversation heart out of a bowl with a spoon in his mouth, no hands. They each then transferred the heart into the next person's spoon, again no hands.
When the heart got into the last person's spoon they had to bend over and drop it into a bowl, again using no hands! It was a bit harder than I thought it would be but the kids seemed to have fun. After about 4 minutes we stopped and counted up the hearts that made it to the bowl. Boys won!!
Our second game we stuck with our teams, boys vs. girls. Each team was given a balloon.
Everyone taking a turn had to put the balloon between their legs and run to the chalk line and back. If the balloon fell they had to start all over. There was so much laughter going on during this game. So glad the kids enjoyed themselves. Everyone had do this twice and the team that finished first won. In the end it was a tie. The girls won the 1st game and the boys won the second time it was played.
Our 3rd game was a tossing marshmallow's into a bowl a few feet away. The kids decided to keep our teams boy vs. girls.
Look at the concentration! It was so fun to hear the kids joking and teasing each other. They were really enjoying themselves.
Our 4th game is one of my favorites. Each player sticks their nose into vaseline and than into a bowl of cotton balls. They have to run to the other table and try to get the stuck cotton balls to fall off into another bowl without using hands.
The boys decided that they really wanted to win this game. They smeared vaseline all over their face so that they could take more than one cotton ball at a time.
When they got to the other table it was so fun to watch them shake and dance trying to get those cottonballs to fall into the bowl. If it fell outside of the bowl they could leave there for no points or try making it stick to their head again to put it in the bowl.
Some of the girls tried using their hands.
This game really got the teacher and her aide laughing. They enjoyed what looked like a huge booger hanging from the kids nose.
Our last game was the cookie game! An Oreo is placed on every ones forehead and not using hands you have to get the Oreo into your mouth.
I love the facial expression's you see during this game.
Our last activity was decorating sugar cookies. What kid doesn't like that?
According to Hunter it was the best party all year! So glad he and his fellow class mates enjoyed themselves.
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