Monday, March 03, 2014

Blue and Gold Night

The very end of December I was given another calling...
Webelo's Leader. Woo Hoo!!

Hunter is soon turning 11 and will advance from Cub Scouts to the 11 year old scouts. I'm so excited to be his leader during his last 4 months of Cub Scouts.  I somehow, the day of, became in charge of our Blue and Gold Banquet, the biggest night of Cub Scout's. Our theme this month was Resourcefulness/Invention Convention. Much earlier in the month the other scout leader and I had talked about giving the boys a bag of "stuff" for them to create from. Unfortunately, my two Webelo's were the only ones given the bags. We would use their invention's for our table center pieces.

Ben's creation

Hunter's creation

Being the last minute I ransacked my house for ideas that fit with our theme. I tried to pick a few objects that the kids would recognize and use to add to our center pieces with the inventors name. It was fun to hear the kids walk around and say things like, "I didn't know John Deere invented the John Deere tractors".

As part of our decor I brought my kids creation's they made with Grandma last year and hung up by our food table. I thought They were perfect for our Invention theme. 

After dinner and our flag ceremony we began the fun stuff. Our first activity was building something with toothpicks and mini marshmallows. 

Kylie loved sucking the sticky of the tooth picks.

Following our activity that everyone raved on and on about we had our scout skit. These are my favorite, the sillier they are the more fun the scouts have. Our skit was suppose to be put on by the Webelos this month but my other young man refused to participate so we had cousin Zeek help Hunter out. 

Hunter is sitting on his bed just looking at the mess on the floor. Then Zeek walks in.
Zeek: Hey Hunter what are you doing?
Hunter: Nothing, just sitting here trying to come up with an invention.
Zeek: Wow! That sounds fun. Can I help?
Hunter: Sure, I need that basket, the book and a rag, I guess that dirty sock will do.
Zeek goes around and picks those things up and brings it to Hunter. 
Zeek: What else?
Hunter: I could probably use that sling shot, the base ball glove and I've got to use the rope to tie it all together.
Zeek: Picks everything else up and puts it into the basket sitting next to Hunter.
Hunter: Well I guess that's it. That was a great invention!
Zeek: I don't get it. What did we invent?
Hunter: A way to clean up my room before my mom gets home. 


Following our skit the awards were handed out. This little toe-head little boy was killing me all night. He would not sit down and kept getting in the way of all my pictures! Including the one's his own mom asked me to take.

It was a stressful day but it was a good one. Scouting in our ward has been terrible! Very boring and no one comes. I was quite pleased that we were able to get 5 of our 9 boys out with their families. Maybe it was the food that brought them but everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. I'm sure hoping I can help change the attitudes on Scouting just a little over the next few months. These are suppose to be fun nights!

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