Monday, April 28, 2014

Brayden playing T-Ball

My older kids have really enjoyed playing sports lately. It seems like it starts in October and the season doesn't end until school gets out. Brayden heard his older siblings talk about baseball and asked if he too could play. Why not? Both Hunter and Madelyn played T-ball why shouldn't he have the same experience. 

Take me out to the ball game.....

His first game was last week. We batted first. 

He hits!  

He runs....

Love those hands and his excitement.
He made a home run! WooHoo!
I don't think he realizes quite yet that everyone makes a home run in T-Ball. 

While in the outfield a gust of wind hit us pretty hard. He forgot his hat on the bench so when Mom realized this she ran it out to him. Hoping it would help with the wind. 

Thankfully the wind didn't last long. While on 2nd base he must have gotten a little board. 
He kept making funny faces by blowing out his cheeks.  

Sometimes when boredom struck we hid our face with our mitt!

And then the sun came out and we enjoyed the burst of warm sunshine on our backs. 
Brayden throwing the ball to home!

Brayden loved his first game. He feels pretty special that he get's to have 2 games this week. His coach will be gone so this Mom was asked to be the coach. He thinks that's pretty cool! So glad he's enjoying baseball! Makes all my time driving, every single day, for all three children playing worth it. Emily decided she didn't want to play this year. Maybe next year we'll have all 4 kids playing. 

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