Monday, April 28, 2014

Easter Weekend

During our stay in Hurricane over Easter weekend the daddies were able to help Grandpa Christensen around the house. He is still recovering from his shoulder replacement and help was greatly appreciated. 

My brother Jonathan took a ride on the lawn mower. He was able to mow mom and dad's yard and  
GG pa's across the street. 

Our dad helped finish the steps on their new porch.
Kylie was a great help! 

When the outside work was done. Jonathan fed GG her lunch. 

That home made pizza made her thirsty!

After lunch Grandma and Kylie gave GG a little massage. 

Kylie really enjoyed rubbing the lotion all over GG's arms. 
When her arms were done they gave GG a little foot massage.

After a hard day's worth of work Grandpa made homemade ice cream for everyone.

Cousin Noah is asleep on the couch but what happened to Brayden?

Must have spent too much time in the sun!

                                                      Who sleeps underneath the mattress?
And on a hard wood floor too?

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