Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Brayden Graduated from Preschool

Thursday was a pretty exciting day for this little boy.
He graduated from Preschool!

 Brayden and Miss Wendy. Best teacher ever!

 Brayden's first part was to spell his name out loud for everyone to hear.

Some of the kids were speaking very LOUDLY into the micro phone. 
Brayden does not like loud noise!
I looked over and laughed to see his hands covering his ears.

Brayden's 2nd speaking part was telling what his favorite things were about preschool.
He loved playing with his school friends, legos, cars and having time on the computer.

Miss Wendy loves to sing songs. 
She has taught the kids a ton of songs that involve hand motions. 
These are Braydens favorites.

His last song the class sang involved glow sticks.

He had a blast singing in the dark. 
He warned me before hand so that I wouldn't be afraid of the dark.
It's official....
He graduated!

Cheesy smiles!

Brayden was quite excited to show off his poster.
He painted his name all by himself.

After graduation each child was able to bring home a goodie bag and notebook. 
The notebook is full of kinder-ready papers. His bag had a card game, easy-reader books, crayons, colored pencils and popsicles. 
My little man is already for Kindergarten. Miss Wendy kept telling the kids that they are kindergarteners now. Brayden was pretty disapointed when he woke up the next morning and I wouldn't let him go to school. He kept telling me that his teacher said he belongs to kindergarten now and that he needed to go. He doesn't seem to understand that there is a big summer break in between school years. 
 Sure hope his excitement about kindergarten lasts through the summer. 

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