Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Baltic Mission

My in-laws were recently called to the Baltic Mission. Originally they were to serve in Estonia but I believe they are actually starting out in Latvia (these countries are just west of Russia). Before leaving my mother-in-law, Joy, wanted to get family pictures of everyone to take with her. She picked a date and hired a photographer to drive up to Alton. Most of us were wanting to do outdoor pictures but the weather wasn't cooperating. The photographer Todd was prepared and brought some of his indoor equipment. 

Karl and Joy Heaton

After taking individuals and family pictures of the 9 siblings inside the rain stopped and the sun came out for just a moment. 
 The Heaton Family 54 of the 59 were present. 

The following are the pictures taken inside of our immediate family. Some had more then one good one turn out.

Hunter 11 years old

Madelyn 10 years old

Emily 8 years old.

Our photographer loved stuffed animals. I don't! I didn't get a single shot of Brayden without these silly animals.

Kylie is usually more photogenic. Apparently she only likes mom taking her picture.

 Here we are all together.

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