Monday, January 19, 2015

Thanksgiving Break

My mom currently works for Utah Pork. Sometimes we get to enjoy some of the perks with her having that job. My kids favorite this year was coupons for a free Mc Donalds Egg Mc Muffin sandwich.  Earlier this year we went to "Old Mc Donald Had A Farm" as Brayden continues to call it for breakfast. The kids loved it and have been asking to go back. Come the end of November we still had several coupons left. Wanting to do something different during our mini Thanksgiving break I took the kids for the last time to Mc Donalds for a free breakfast.

Sometimes the workers at Mc Donalds can be a little grumpy when we come in and use 6 free coupons. Wanting to avoid trouble I bought a few $1 hash browns and 2 orange juices to go around.

Kylie loved the orange juice.

The kids love playing in the over sized jungle gym. You can barely see Emily in the bottom cubicle with the clear glass. Madelyn and Kylie were making faces at me from the top.

What a fun way to begin our fun filled weekend.

This is our Thanksgiving Tree. The 1st family home evening we had in Thanksgiving we had a lesson on being thankful. From that night forward we had a bowl full of cut out leaves. When the kids thought of something they were thankful for they wrote it on a leaf and hung it up. By Thanksgiving we had a full tree of things or events that we were thankful for. 

Brayden loves to color all of a sudden. He printed out several Despicable Me pictures to color over his school break.

I brought out a new stash of fresh play doh. Madelyn and Kylie enjoyed playing together.  
I love our mini breaks from the everyday life. I enjoy being able to come and go as we please and to be able to do things we other wise wouldn't be able to due to school, sports and other extra curricular activities. We had a great Thanksgiving break.

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