How does this happen?
I have a 14 year old. I sure find all these upcoming birthdays bitter sweet!
Hunter loves saltine crackers. At Costco, I saw this huge box and couldn't resist!
New clothes, a jacket, a water back pack for all our hiking adventures, xbox game, goggles, hot cheeto's and Dr. Pepper. What else could a kid ask for?
For dinner, he had his favorite, Green Chille Burro's.
and for dessert, another ice cream roll cake!
Happy Birthday to this young man! As any teenager he loves all electronics. But he also loves his rip stick and rides it most weeks to both church on Sunday mornings and also to mutual. He plays his cello really well! He's learning how to play the guitar and also the Piano. He loves music. This kid plays by ear. He'll hear a catchy tune on the radio and then go ping it out on the piano. I love him! He likes to read and be in the kitchen. He will quite often make brownies, homemade ice cream, popcorn, fruit smoothies, or eggs! I think he may have a slight sweet tooth! This kid gets straight A's and very rarely has to study for them. School and learning new things just come easily to him. I can't wait to see how far this young man will take himself in life!
Happy Birthday!
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