Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Valentines 2017

It's Valentines Day!
The kids love, love, love the tradition of waking up to a red table cloth covered in candy! This year I did all chocolate!

I even made everyone's lunches for them today. Heart shaped sandwiches! 

Had to have heart shaped pancakes too!  

We've been working on our Valentines boxes for a few days now. 
Brayden made Pikachu from Poke Mon. 

Emily made a locker. 

Kylie made a unicorn. 

Hunter had eaten and gone by the time I pulled the camera out. Kory was installing out of town so it was just us. I had to work for H&R Block this Valentines Day. Instead of getting off at 6 I didn't get home until almost 8. Longest day ever!!!!! I had plans on making homemade heart shaped pizzas but being the time that it was I stopped by Papa Murphy's on my way home and bought one of their pre-made pizzas so all I had to do was bake it. Totally lame......I know. I seriously don't know how full time working mom's do it! 

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