Saturday, April 29, 2017

Brayden turns 8

My little man turned 8!!
He was so excited for this birthday.
This guy loves pancakes. He wanted 8 stacked pancakes with milk in our birthday goblet. He is such a laid back and easy minded child. He is so easily pleased. I love this little man.

Brayden wanted a bike for his birthday. Love his smile! 

Madelyn made him a cute candy gram poster! 
So fun... 

We had a late dinner so opted out of dessert. His big birthday party is this weekend and he will have his special cake then. 
Brayden is always so full of life. He's a happy and loving little guy. He's quick to give me hugs. I love on Saturday mornings how he comes running in and climbs into bed with us to "snuggle" his mom. Oh how I am going to miss these moments.  Brayden enjoys reading books but they have to be about bugs, spiders or animals. The bigger, the scarier or the most poisonous the better. He still enjoys playing with his army men, riding his bike, legos and of course XBox. 
Happy Birthday My Little Man!!
I love you.

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