Saturday, August 25, 2018

Canning Peaches

We have 2 peach trees in our backyard and they were super loaded this year. In fact the neighbor that lives behind said she has never seen our trees so full in the 7 years they have lived there. She wanted to know what we were doing. Ummmm...... We paid $50 for someone to come trim them the previous fall and we watered the trees every week? 

We had so many peaches we couldn't give them away quick enough. We made peach jam, froze several bags to be used in smoothies, ate some and bottled the rest. 

This is just the beginning. We ended up bottling more than 60 quart jars. Wow! 

                  That was quite the Saturday. In between our bottling we discovered that Hunter is 
                                            officially taller than me. When did that happen?

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