Thursday, October 25, 2018

Painted Pumpkins

I think October just may become our favorite month of school. The kids new school has some fun things planned. The library has a tradition of having kids (that want to) paint a pumpkin into a character from their favorite book or something that tells you what book it's representing. Kylie loves pony books and unicorns. She decided to turn her pumpkin into a unicorn.  

She had so much fun! 

Brayden is reading Hatchet right now and really likes it. He decided to make his pumpkin represent that book. He printed out a hatchet, cut it, taped it to the pumpkin and then traced around it with pencil. He painted it and then with a sharpie marker outlined it. I was quite impressed. He did so good.  

It just happened to be "pajama" day at school when we dropped them off to the librarian. 

They were so proud of their pumpkins. 

Love that they both enjoy reading. 

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