Monday, August 13, 2018

Bear Lake Trip

The weekend before school started we had our last family reunion.
The Christensens went to Bear Lake!
Knowing it would be quite the drive we drove as far as Salt Lake the first day to help break up the trip. Our hotel had a swimming pool which of course was a highlight for the kids. 

The next morning we went to a taffy candy factory. We were given a short tour and watched a short video on how the taffy was made. Afterwards we got to walk around their little store and fill bags full of all sorts of different flavors of taffy. We had fun and were all on a sugar high. Fresh taffy is so, so yummy! The best part was that the tour was free. Yippee!

After our taffy tour we drove to downtown Salt Lake to visit the Clark Planetarium. It also had free admittion.  

They had some pretty cool ineractive games. This game the kids were trying to blow up floating asteroids aiming towards a planet. You controled your shooter by moving your arm. So fun! 

This interactive game controlled the lights in the sky. Something to do with our energy!

There was a section that all sorts of different gases could be smelled. Some were sweet smelling while others were horrible!

More interactive games. 

Maddie and Kyli landed on Mars!

 The games and interactiveness at this place was absolutely amazing. And it was free! After 2.5 hours the big kids were ready to leave but the  younger ones could have stayed longer.

Unfortunately at this point in our trip my camera battery died. And for whatever reason my back up battery wouldn't hold a charge. Ughhhhh...

After leaving the Planetarium we drove up towards Logan and was able to stop and see Kory's Mission President and his wife, The Brenchley's. We sat and visited while the kiddo's jumped on their trampoline and played on their swing set. It was a great visit!

When we left their home we finished our drive to Bear Lake where our cabin was. We spent the next 2 days playing at the lake, walking around Raspberry Days and just hanging with the family. It was a great few days to get away from our chaotic house and to be able to spend some time together before school starts next week. Eeek! I am so NOT ready. 

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