Thursday, April 16, 2020

Easter 2020

Easter this year was a little different. We didn't have any large family or friend gatherings. There were no community egg hunts, Maddie helped the kid's dye Easter eggs when I was at work. Although it was different we still had a great week. The Sunday before we talked about what Christ was doing a week before he was crucified. Each night at dinner this week we continued with where and what Christ was doing. As my kids are getting older its an amazing experience to witness their ah ha moments, to see a thought really take root and have some pretty awesome discussions. 

I neglected taking pictures until Sunday morning. 
The 3 oldest hid the eggs for the 2 youngest. 

I am going to miss having my littles. I just don't understand why my older 3 no longer have the desire to go hunt some candy filled eggs. 

This year the Easter Bunny brought everyone a new swim suit, new sandals and book/puzzle. 

Thanks to Covid, despite plenty of delivery time the Easter Bunny had, Maddie's new swim suit didn't arrive on time.  Soon like probably tomorrow it will be here. 

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