Sunday, August 09, 2020


In May, our church leaders announced that Sacrament only "in-church" could be held again with some restrictions. No more than 99 people at one time, every other pew should be not used, masks were encouraged, meeting should be less than 45 min. and specific sanitation procedures between each session. 

Our ward has been assigned the 2nd Sunday of each month. We have 3 different time slots on that day to meet the "no more than 99". We have the middle time, 11am. I love it! Our 1st Sunday back was amazing. As much as I have loved having church at home there is a different spirit you feel when in the house of the Lord. It was nice to be able to recognize that feeling. We chose to attend church with out masks that Sunday as it wasn't required, just highly suggested. 

In June the day before we were suppose to meet we received a letter from our Area of Authority. The letter stated all members were asked to wear a mask to church and outside of our homes where social distancing is harder to maintain. In other words, when you leave home to go to the store. We are a anti-mask family. I personally don't believe they will make a difference. It's been proven over and over that Covid will still "go through" masks. All a mask does is catch droplets of our saliva. Despite our personal feelings we will do what we were asked. We will start wearing a mask. We didn't have masks for everyone that Saturday night so we chose to stay home and not attend church. However I would make sure we all had masks for next months service. 

Meanwhile Maddie has had some breathing issues since wearing a mask. Here we are at the doctors office.....waiting for results. She can breathe fine while wearing a mask. It's when she takes it off she feels like she can't breathe as deeply. The feeling continues into the evening. By morning she can breathe easier however her chest hurts. She will complain for 2-3 days of how bad it hurts.  

After a chest x-ray to make sure she didn't have an infection which could be caused by wearing a mask for too long (wet and germy) we got a diagnosis that I can't pronounce and wont bother trying to spell out. While wearing a mask most people don't breathe as deeply, Maddie included. Her lungs actually begin to stick to themselves. When she takes the mask off and try's to breathe deeply she is "ripping" her lungs back apart. It takes a while for her lungs to be open again. It causes a small asthma attack. By morning her lungs have had to work overtime separating that it does cause chest pain. So what do we do about it? Don't wear a mask. That's not really an option right now. School is about to start, face coverings are mandated. We are trying to do what our church leaders have asked us to. The doctor gave her a rx for a inhaler. We've had it for a week now. She has discovered that if she uses the inhaler before wearing the mask she doesn't seem to struggle at night. Yippee!

Yesterday we had church again. We all had our masks to wear. 

Daddy and Hunter had to go before the rest of us so I didn't get a picture of them. 

 Dang masks! 
Like my girls said, "you can't tell if we are smiling or not". 
I know..... It's a little sad.  

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