Sunday, February 04, 2007

Emily's new high chair.

One of the items being given away this past Thursday was a high chair. We did not have one and figured it was time that Emily could probably use it. She looks so tiny sitting in this big chair. It was so much easier to feed her this way. I am so thankful to have a high chair again.

At dinner time Emily is usually sitting in her swing in the family room. She's started to cry at dinner time for the rest of us. It's like she smells the food and wants some too . Now she sits in her high chair and watches us all eat. I feel guilty eating in front of her. Looking into her eyes you can see her wanting food too. I need to get her some crackers/cookies for her to nibble on while we all eat. Thanks to the high chair she's much happier at dinner time.

An accomplishment for Emily. She's learning to hold her own bottle of juice.

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