Monday, February 05, 2007

I don't have to cook.

Today was the second time a group of 6 of us all got together and swapped dinners. Each is to make a dinner that would fit in a 9x13 pan. Instead of making 1 for your own family you make 6. One for your self and 5 for others. We did this 2 weeks ago and we all really liked it so we've done it again.

Last time I made a soup. This time I
made Chicken Enchilada's. Since we were locked out of our house Saturday. Kory helped me make all 6 pans. It's definitely a lot of work but so worth it. I have 5 fresh dinners in my freezer plus 2 dinners from last time that we haven't had yet.

This has been just wonderful. I don't know why it took so long to do this. I would definitely recommend this to everyone.

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