Saturday, March 22, 2008

Last Supper

Day 4) Last Supper
Our Last Supper consisted of fresh pineapple, leavened bread, asparagus and shish kabobs with beef and potato.

We've never barbequed shish kabobs before and it turned into a great learning experience. Next time we will SOAK THE STICKS BECAUSE THEY BURN. The fire was too hot and not only burned the sticks but the dinner too. Of all nights I thought this would have been one of the favorites. I was wrong. The main course was burned. Hunter and Maddie both choked on the asapragus (this was not the 1st,nor 2nd, nor 3rd time we've eaten this vegetable). The pineapple went quick. The kids enjoyed the bread but both Kory and I thought it was too dry which I was expecting. We'll have to do things a little differently next time.

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