Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Teaching The People

Day 3) Matthew 25:31-46
Nothing is recorded of what Jesus did on the 3rd day. So I stretched day 2 into 2days. The scriptures I read this past weekend talked about feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, etc. and then it went on to say how the followers are sheep. Those that don't help the needy are goats. The scripture I read tonight however didn't include the sheep/goat analogy. Of course I didn't realize this until I had read through vrs. 46 and came to the end of the chapter. So I just told the kids about the sheep/ goats and how we want to be sheep in this story. Afterward we made our sheep.
Tonight was definietly a hit. Although what kid doesn't like to have a glue stick in his hand. Emily wasn't ready to quit gluing, hence the sad face.

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