Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine Boxes.

Earlier this week I pulled up Family Fun on the internet to help get our creative juices flowing. Years past, the kiddo's have made their Valentine Box at school. This year we needed to make them at home and then take them to school.
Hunter chose to do "Crazy Card Bag".
I think it was the name that grabbed his attention.
I cut out the heart and then he drew the face.

He then cut out hands and feet.
Didn't like the 1st set of hands so he did it again using his own hand as a template.
Pretty smart, kiddo!
"Crazy Card Bag"
by Hunter

Madelyn fell in love with the "Love Boat" also found at Family Fun. We cut, cut and cut.
She taped, and taped and taped.
It was finally time to apply the stickers.

"The Love Boat"
was finally completed by Madelyn.

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