Monday, February 07, 2011

Valentines Beginnings

Valentines Day is one week from today. Hunter's class at school is making homemade valentines and writing friendship letters to give to each other. When Madelyn heard about the homemade valentines she wanted to make some too for her class mates. Tonight for family home evening we made the girls valentines. I decided to make enough for Emily's class too. She was so excited to help make them. This will be her 1st Valentines Party in Pre School. I bought a bag of pencils last year after Valentines Day at 90% off. My stipulation to the girls tonight was that we weren't going to buy anything. We had to use what we could find around the house.
Madelyn didn't feel like butterfly's were very appropriate for the boys nor alien's for the girls.
So... we made both.

Thanks Family Fun for the great ideas.
Later this week we will be making there Valentine Boxes that all 3 kids need to have for their school party. In previous years the kids have always made identical valentine bags with their class mates as a project in school. Hunter and Madelyn are so excited to create their own unique one this year.

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