Monday, April 25, 2011

Almost "2"

Brayden's birthday is in 2 days and Jamie's is in 15 days. Last year Sheri and I wanted to get together and thow a big 1 year old party but we just couldn't get together with the distance between us. This year, distance was not an issue. Being all of our family was in town this weekend we threw the joint birthday party then. Both boys play with cars but Jamie is very much into cars. He was in awe of the fondant car on his cupcake. Jamie blowing out his candles.
Brayden blowing his candles out.

As I mentioned Jamie LOVED the fondant and took Brayden's car and anyone elses that didn't mind giving there's up.

The birthday car cup cakes.

My colors didn't darken as much as I'd like but overall I was pleased.

After cake they each opened ther gifts.

It was fun to watch the difference with these 2. Brayden had to fight to open his gifts as his big sisters and brother wanted to *help*. Jamie on the other hand didn't have any of the extra help and was able to open them all by himself.

Thanks to all who came and helped participate. We had help barbequing, bringing food to share, the setting up of tables and chairs and all the gifts that were given. In the end we had 2 very happy little boys.

We love you guys!

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