Monday, April 25, 2011

Matt's Home

This past wed. my youngest brother, Elder Matthew Christensen, returned home from the Pittsburg, Pennsylvania Mission.

This is him walking in from outside and down the short hallway where we were all waiting. Giving hugs to his nieces and nephews.
My pictures got a little messed up. His mom and dad were the 1st to get the hugs.

GG and GG'pa came to.

Emily was 2 when he left and she's now 4 1/2. We've shown her pictures and she's written letters to him but couldn't remember seeing him face to face.

Talking with mom while we were waiting for luggage.

Matt and our sister Sheri.

Before he came home Mom asked him what meal he was looking forward to having when he got home. His answer was Cafe Rio. He worked there for several months before serving his mission.

So we suprised him by going to Cafe Rio for dinner from the air port.

Oops! I reversed pictures again. Still at the airport.

After Cafe Rio we came home. This is what greeted him when he arrived.

The kids and I made the banners for FHE earlier that week.

The night before Mom, Dad, Hanna and I made the balloon archway.

We blew up with the help of a matress pump and tied over 170 balloons.

He's Home!

To say my kids were excited to see him was an understatement.

Madelyn was 4 when he left and now she's almost 7.

This guy was 6 and now he's 8.

And this little man.

Well.... he was still in the womb and now he's turning 2 this week.

It's great to have you back, Matt.

We are so proud of you for serving an honorable mission.

We love you!

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