Saturday, July 05, 2014

Hurricane Splash Pad

While Kory was working his day in St. George. The kids and I made a day of it. We started off by going to the summer movie, Epic, that was playing that week. I love only paying a $1 per person. Afterwards we changed into swimsuits and went to the splash pad/park for a few hours. 

Brayden loves the water spouts.

We invited some cousins to come play with us. Here's Jamie.

Madelyn loved how she could sit under the water spray and poke holes in the water.

Took Kylie a few minutes to warm up to the "cold" water.

She loved the water spouts too. Just not when they shot up higher into her face!

Here's the girls; Madelyn, Kylie, cousin Ruth and Emily. 

Kylie loved going down the slide with her big sister's help!

We had such a great day getting out of town and spending some time in warmer weather with NO wind. 

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