Saturday, July 05, 2014

Kylies Photo Shoot

Kylie's 2nd birthday photo shoot. 
I took this baby girl of mine to the church to snap some pictures of her in her FAVORITE dress. We call it her Daniel Tiger Dress. She loves it! This birthday gift was most definitely a hit. This is the outfit she picks out every time she sees it hanging in her closet.  

Not sure if I captured a wall worthy picture but I did capture some cuteness!

                            Trying to keep the experience a fun one we played a little here and there.
                                                            She loves her new phone. 

I love this one, playing peek-a-boo with the use of a tree. 

And then we saw some birds and took off chasing them.

Took some time to stop and smell the flowers or pick tree leaves in this case.

And then we saw birds walking on the grass!
She really thought she was going to catch them.

I tried. I really did. I tried to get a nice one of her looking and smiling at the camera.

But..... she's 2. I'm thinking I captured her perfectly!

Happy Birthday baby of mine!

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