Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Christmas Morning 2015

Merry Christmas!
We told the kids that they had to stay in bed until 7:30 secretly hoping it would be after 6 am. They started calling down to us at 6:30. It's been earlier in years past so it wasn't too bad. Although the 11 year old no longer believes I think he was the most excited. He is the one who went around and woke everyone else up. 

Christmas morning fun! 

A tiara, 

pokemon cards, 

ninja turtles,  

a new bike 

and charcoal pencils, pastel chalks and a new drawing pad for the artist of the family. 


The joys of the aftermath! 

This beautiful young lady is growing up. She is always my hardest with coming up with something that she wants. She really wanted a new desk. I told her that Santa can't bring large items like that so it would have to come from mom and dad.  She asked for clothes and lotions that have matching body scrub and body spray. What happened to my little girl? The baby dolls and barbies?

She was excited that mom and dad came through with her desk and matching chair. 

 Hunter loves lego's! He really wanted  Despicable Me bedding. He was also excited to discover a pellet gun among his gifts.

All Emily wanted was the FurReal PomPom (panda). She is quite the little mommy. She feeds it, takes it for walks and sleeps with it every night. 

Gosh I LOVE this age. 
Brayden was so excited for his TMNT guys and lego's. 

Miss Kylie wanted a bike! She's pretty happy with her baby stroller, play doh and characters from her all time favorite movie, 101 Dalmatians. 

This year we did several family gifts. The new gun was daddy's favorite. 

Playing our new games. 

Hunter was quick to take his old bedspread off and put on the new. 

I have a love/hate relationship with Christmas morning. I think I'm more excited sometimes then the kids are for them to open their gifts. I'm excited to see the kids try to guess whats hidden under the paper. I love hearing them speculate what that gift could possibly be that makes a thudding noise when it's shaken. I love hearing them say how much they really hope that gift might be. I love the looks on their face when they discover what the gift actually is.  Come summer time of every year I start making a list of ideas that I think my kids would enjoy for Christmas. I start looking and scouring for good deals. I make it priority to look at the clearance section's every time I go to a department store. I refuse to pay regular price on toys and clothes during the year and Christmas gifts are of no exception. Sometimes if I'm really lucky I may buy a future gift right after Christmas for the next year. It seems like it takes me months to prepare for Christmas morning. And then the day is finally here. And in less then an hour all those months of looking and searching and hiding and wrapping come to an abrupt end. It's over!   
We did have a good morning, we played together, we laughed together, we made memories together. 
Merry Christmas

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