Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Christmas Weekend

This year our Christensen family gathered together at Christmas. Not all of my siblings could make it on the same day so our Christmas fun was extended to more then just one day. Some of were able to get together Christmas Eve at my parents. That night my brother Jonathan returned home. On Christmas day we invited all the local family to our house in the early afternoon. The guys went shooting while the women got ready to eat. Not wanting to serve turkey for 3 days straight we did a homemade Cafe Rio lunch for the 15 of us. 

 Kylie and Grandpa playing.

After lunch we sat around visiting and playing. That night we watched the new TNMT movie. 

The following day my brother Travis and his family came for the weekend. Aunt Christina helped with horse rides. 

Madelyn and cousin AnnieLou 

 Kylie wasn't too sure about riding the horse but in the end she didn't want to get off. Emily was great sister helping her hold on. 

GG came for the day. 
Elena was a great help giving her treats and a drink. 

By the end of the day we were all tired. 
These two were lucky enough to do something about it. 
I love the holiday's and how our families always gather together. Both sides of our families are growing so big that it's not often we get to see everyone over a few day's. 

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