Wednesday, September 14, 2016

1st Year at Girls Camp

This year something amazing happened. It was Madelyn's 1st year at Girls Camp. If that wasn't exciting enough I was called to be the Camp Director. Making it my 1st year at Girls Camp as a leader. Oh the fun we had!

We had a total of 13 girls. Seven of whom are inactive or non members. It was so fun to get to know each of these young ladies. 

We left Wed morning and came back Sat morning. 

The stake had plenty of activities planned for us during the day. We had games, crafts, canoeing, zip lining and hiking. In the evenings we were blessed with amazing speakers that taught us to "Come What May and Love It". 

Camping with these fun girls brought back memories of my own time as a young girl at 
Camp Stimpson.

I was a little worried when I first accepted my calling. I have been in Primary almost since the time we've been in this ward so I didn't know the leaders or the girls. I was also worried Madelyn wouldn't be able to enjoy herself with her mom there. But by the end of the week I couldn't believe how quickly the time had gone and fun we had all had. I wasn't ready to go back home and neither was Madelyn. We had a great time!

Madelyn turned "12" on the last day of Girls Camp. For fun we bought a pillow case and had all the girls in our  camp sign it so she would have a fun "memory" of her 1st year at Girls Camp. What a fun way to spend a birthday!

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