Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Madelyn turns 12!

Look who's 12! 
Madelyn and I have had a fantastic week! We just spent it together at Girls Camp. Her birthday fell on Saturday the day we came home. Before leaving I had told Kory where all her gifts were so that they could be wrapped and ready for her when we got home. Kory turned the job over to Hunter. He got a little creative and made opening gifts a lot more fun!

Look at that huge box! What could possible be inside it?? 

Why a huge plastic tub full of smaller boxes!

Inside the Go-gurt box was some muffin mixes Brayden pulled out of the pantry to wrap for her. 

What was inside the wipe box? 

Mascara wrapped in wrapping paper.
Can't believe this girl is going to start wearing make-up. 

Saved the best box for last.  

Another box inside a box!
Boy did Hunter do a good job at prolonging the expense. 

This was what she was desperately hoping for. 
Her very own iPod.

Happy, happy birthday my sweet loving girl! 

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