Saturday, December 28, 2019

Christmas Day

Good Morning!
Some were awake at 6:45am and others weren't. 

Miss Kylie was thrilled with Santa's gift. Her Barbie house is taller than she is! She also loves the books, Princess in Black. She was happy she was given one she hadn't read yet. 

Hunter wanted a RuRoc snowboarding helmet. 
He knew they were quite expensive and was surprised Santa was able to pull it off. 

Brayden could never tell us what we wanted this year besides his favorite book series.
Santa brought him all 12 books and a 3D pen. 

All Emily wanted was a hover board. 
How fun!

All Maddie wanted was the new book series by her favorite author. 

Love, love my new picture. Can't wait to hang it up. 

My favorite gift this year. 
Maddie took this years family's pictures and painted it for me. 
She's getting better and better at these. 
I just love it!

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