Thursday, December 26, 2019

Christmas Eve

We invited Grandma and Grandpa Heaton to our house again for our Christmas Eve shenanigans. 
This year Brayden asked if we could use rice krispie treats to make our nativity scenes instead of graham crackers. So we gave it a shot. 
Grandma, Brayden and Maddie. 

Daddy and Kylie




Our snowman Nativity scene.

Grandma and Grandpa quite often ask the kiddos how they are doing in their school work. They tell the kids to be good listeners to their teachers, do their homework and learn everything they can.  They love having the kiddo's read to them. Grandma spent many years at the school helping kids learn to read better. 

All of my kiddo's have enjoyed reading to their Grandma and Grandpa. 

The kids asked Grandpa to read our last wrapped Christmas book for this season. 

Soon Grandma and Grandpa had to go home.
We carried on with our evening. 

Brayden is old enough now to know that his Christmas Eve gift is pajamas. He was hoping he could talk mom into letting him open something different. No such luck buddy!

 I love my kiddo's
and even Brayden likes his new pajama's.  

Playing our stick game.  

We played Don't Break the Ice. 

My favorite, Rummy Cube
Kylies favorite game, Life.

And then it was time for these kiddo's to go to bed. The excitement was in the air. 

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