Thursday, April 16, 2020

School Will Not Re-open

Well it's happened. School will not be re-opening this school year. From now until May 21st school will be finished online. We definitely have some mixed emotions. Brayden and Kylie really don't mind. They both enjoy school and they both have liked being home to do school too. 

Most of Kylies work is done with a paper packet. When she's done with the packet we take pictures and send it to her teacher. Her and I can usually get her work done in 30min to an hour.

Brayden's work is all done online. He's had to do a few google slide projects, read for 30 min. and his favorite to play prodigy for 20min each day. He can usually be done in an hour or two.

 Emily's classes vary day to day. Sometimes she's done in just a few hours while other days it can take a bit longer. She does have a handful of classes that gives her a packet to do on Monday that is then due on Friday. We love these. She can finish the packet in just a day or two and then not have any more work in that class for the rest of the week.

Maddie seems to have the most work. She spends several hours a day on school work. But then she's in some hard classes to. She's in Chemistry with an amazing teacher but he also expects a lot of work and memorization out of these kids. At the beginning of the year he had his classes memorize the first 100 elements in the Periodic Table. They needed to know the name, abbreviation and number. It wasn't easy. She is also taking a concurrent enrollment class Medical Technology. She's doing great and maintaining her straight A's.

Hunter's classes hasn't been to bad. He is also in Chemistry and has the same teacher as Maddie. His other classes have been relatively easy for him. He's taking a food and nutrition class right now and so has to prepare a meal for the family once a week. It's been great!

Although we are doing pretty good with this online stuff the kids are missing some things. Maddie and Hunter miss the study groups before school that their Chemistry and Math teachers offer when they need help. Maddie took the book part of drivers ed but can't take the driving part. She turns 16 in 2 months and won't be able to get her license without it. The DMV is also closed so the kids that have turned 15 can't get their permit. Brayden was looking forward to a upcoming field trip. Brayden was suppose to do a science project with a group of friends at school. That won't be happening anymore. Hunter asked his girl friend, Dani to Prom. Prom has been cancelled. There are no more school events, no ball games. Kylie misses her friends. She misses being in her math group. She has become quite the little social butterfly this year.

It's the last month or 2 of school that has all the fun stuff. The field trips, the parties, the assemblies, the activities that reward the kids for all their hard work through out the year. I feel bad they are missing the fun stuff.

Our family is still doing pretty good but we are missing the social interaction with others. Work for me slowed way down and my contract through April 15th (normal tax day), ended yesterday. I will continue to work but just on Mondays and only if I have clients until July 15th. 

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