Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Tortoise Conservatory

Sunday was a bit cold and windy, so we decided to stay home and not go on our weekly family hike. 
Today everyone was done with their school work early and we wanted to get out of the house. Kory and Hunter were working and so it was just us. I was told there was a tortoise conservatory close by so that's where we headed. It's always fun walking along the virgin river. 

The conservatory is just a section that is roped off with barbed wire and chicken fencing. We are in the season that the tortoise's are just now coming out of their hibernation. This was the only turtle we saw. 

We live in a beautiful place. 

I'm so glad these guys enjoy hiking with me. 

It was still a little cold when we started but warmed up on our way back. 

Being outside in the fresh air, under the sun is good for us all. 

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