Saturday, November 12, 2016

Carving Pumpkins

It's that time of year again! I was so excited when I saw Harmon's in St. George was selling pumpkins for $.12 a pound. Everyone else was over $.45. To make the deal even sweeter was the fact I was already going into town. The kids were pretty happy to see what I had brought home with me. 

This little stinker was done with mom trying to snap pictures. 

The 2 younger girls asked if they could paint theirs instead of carving. 
Why not.....

This was the first year Kory and I didn't help at all with the pumpkins. Kory was out of town and I was inside making dinner. We had a party to get to that night and I was busy inside getting everything ready. I did come out quite often to make sure no one had slit their wrist or no knife throwing contests were taking place. They were all to busy being creative. Somehow I didn't get a picture of the finale. Oh well......

We love our potato ghosts! 

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