Saturday, November 12, 2016

Trick or Treat

 Trick or Treat!
I love Halloween and so do my girls. Apparently Hunter doesn't so much. 
Hunter decided being 13 and all that he was to "old" to dress up. What the heck??? So Mr. Party Pooper stayed home and passed out candy.

Brayden is an Ice Wizard from the Clash of Clans game he loves to play on my i-pad. I made his robe and a "fiery ice ball" his character throws at his enemy.

Several months ago I came across this costume in the package at DI. It didn't say what size but I picked it up anyways. Emily was thrilled this Mad Hatter costume fit her!

Madelyn is dressed as the character Black Widow that Scarlett Johansson plays. She got lots of compliments at school. She did good. 

My little Princess, Elsa!

After an hour of trick or treating Madelyn and Brayden were ready to go home. Emily and Kylie on the other hand were the die hard's this year. They were never done!

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