The Clark Family Reunion is held every 2 years with every other year being back in Nacotish, Louisiana. My mom and I were suppose to host the "away" reunion but Grandma Grow had recently passed along with a few other family members. Due to all the traveling the family had done it was decided to cancel our Utah reunion and do it 2 years later instead.
It was a little disapointing that the majority of the family couldn't make it. But the family is getting bigger and bigger and it's hard for us grandkids to make these reunions on top of all of our immediate reunions too. So although we were few in numbers we made some good memories with those that were able to come.
We took the family out to Sand Hollow.
Oh how my kids love playing in the water and sand.
We sure know how to soak up that fresh vitamin D.
Kylie, Grandma Christensen and Brionney.
Eating fresh apricots off Grandma's trees.
Aunt Pat and Grandma Christensen.
Emily taking a tube to float on.
Maddie helping Jesse stay on top of our floating turtle.
Hunter was out on the boat with Grandpa Christensen. Unfortunately the boats battery melted and left them stranded on the lake. Ugh....
The rest of the weekend was spent at Grandma's house playing with cousins.
Faith (my cousin Autumn's daughter) and Emily.
Maddie and Hanna playing a game.
It was a fun weekend full of family and stories.
It was decided that this will be the last of the Clark Reunions. From here on out there will be a Cousin Reunion. My mom and all her first cousins can go on a cruise or meet up for the weekend with those that can get together. How fun!
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