Monday, June 04, 2018

Lake Powell 2018

I love, love, love Lake Powell. I never knew how much I would love sitting on the sand watching my kids play by themselves or with friends. I love visiting with the other adults. I love taking pictures of my kids "joy". I love being on the boat. I love the warmth on my face, the breeze in my hair. I love the memories we make. 

This trip Hunter stayed home so that he could attend our Stakes Youth Conference. So we brought cousin Carlaya. 

 I love this picture. Madelyn is just about to get thrown off. I think she feels it coming. Brayden is loving the moment with his hands up high. Carlaya is enjoying the ride with no idea what is about to happen. 

I missed Brayden flying through the air. Being he wasn't holding on at the moment he didn't have a chance. Madelyn is flying over. She wasn't able to maintain her grip.

And there goes Carlaya! 

They love it!
They do it over and over again! 
Emily looks a little scared!
And then she's having the time of her life. 
I love the facial expressions caught. 

I think this is my favorite picture of all time! 
The girl in the middle catches the hand of the little girl flying off. She literally hangs on to her and pulls her back onto the tube. It was AMAZING to watch in person. It's great I caught in all on camera.  

When the Dads were tired of being out on the water we took a break from the sun. 
Playing card games in the trailer! 

When they got tired of playing our games or with each other they'd wander off to find the other kiddo's in our group.

Brayden loves to paddle board! He's getting pretty good at it.

Kylie loves her floating Hippo and Turtle.

One of our friends had this giant floating carpet. The boys would wrestle and jump off. It kept the kiddo's entertained for hours. 

We rented a jet ski again. 
Kory and our friend Secoya. She was the "flag" girl. 

They were pulling kids on the tube too.
Madelyn and Carlaya.  

 The girls taking a turn on the floating carpet. 

Funny thing happened this trip. All the little girls aged 6 and under were playing on the carpet. We were having very little wind so no one bothered to anchor the carpet to shore. We noticed that the girls were drifting a little bit but they all had their life jackets on and they were still pretty close to shore so we didn't do anything about it.  After several boats went flying by it really brought in some waves which pushed the girls out even further. They hadn't noticed and continued to play and jump in and out of the water off the carpet. Us parents noticed but none of us wanted to swim out to get them. We had already changed out of our swim suits.  When we saw some of the teenage girls coming back on a kayak we hollered out to them to bring the little girls back. 

When they got closer Kory went out and dragged them back in. The girls had no idea how far out they had been. It was kind of funny! I think they would have freaked a bit knowing how far out they had been. But they were to busy laughing and giggling while playing a silly game.   

Till next time......

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