Thanks to my litte sister Hanna a.k.a Aunt Hanna around our house. She taught my kids how to make this face and then say "See my blooood?" While trying to capture the above pict. I ACIDENTALLY caught the one below too. My cameras been really slow lately despite the fully charged batteries. My kids were pulling faces to fast for the camera to capture a lot of them. I love this picture though. I couldn't get this again if I tried.
Madelyn was right beside Hunter being silly too.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Funny Faces
Posted by kory and tina family at 8:11 AM 1 comments
Playing together...
The weather has just been great the past couple of days. Despite being a little cool the kids and I have been spending many hours outside playing. Yesterday while Emily was napping I thought I should take some pictures of the kids playing so well together. This picture depicts them playing red light/green light. Our little made up driveway that we are currently using is very sloped. The kids love dragging their bikes to the top and allowing gravity to help push them down. They do this for hours. For a while they were both on the same bike. My camera isn't fast enough to catch them in a fast motion. I did try but all I got was very fuzzy photos.
For the most part these two are best friends. It was so good to capture their friendship in these pictures.
This was my favorite. I'm so glad they really do play well together. I don't know what Madelyn's going to do next year when Hunter goes to kindergarten.
Posted by kory and tina family at 7:56 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Look who's starting to walk...
Look at me!!! She is proud of herself when she starts walking.
She's going to be 14 months next week. She's getting so big.
Posted by kory and tina family at 10:14 AM 2 comments
It's almost Thanksgiving
Monday night for family home evening our plans suddenly changed about an hour before. So at the spur of the moment this is what I came up with. We talked about why we celebrate Thanksgiving and some of the things we are grateful for. I had seen this stuffed turkey glove before but it was much more difficult than I had anticipated. In the end I cut long strips of construction paper, wrinkled it and stuffed it into the fingers. Then filled the rest of the glove with popcorn. It was difficult for the kids to do by themselves.
I love her smile in this picture.
Posted by kory and tina family at 10:06 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Letter "H"
Preschool was at our house this week. On tuesday we talked about communication. How we need to learn manners and talk to each other nicely. Since we can all talk there is no need to yell or hit or kick our friends. We can communicate with each other by using our words instead. One of the projects was coloring our paper doll holding hands with 2 of our friends. I also had the kids trace their own hands and then decorated them with pom pom's because hands begin with the letter "H".
Today the kids traced the letter "H". Then I gave each a hat with foam letters. They all spelled their name out and glued it on the hat. Then they could choose a few fun foam animal/insect stickers to put around their name.
Making these hats turned into a bigger project then I had anticipated. In the end though I had 7 happy, smiling children who were proud of their new hats.
Even though the 2 1/2 hours seem to fly by I'm glad preschool is over for the week. I realized after looking at the calendar because of the up coming holidays I will not be teaching again until NEXT YEAR. The 2nd week in January 2008. I can't believe this year is so close to being over.
Posted by kory and tina family at 11:15 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Super Kids!
Kory and I were working on the laptop saturday night trying to get everything entered and cought up. I had to have everything done that night becuase Kory left for Safford monday and will be gone almost the whole week. It was past 8:00pm (bedtime) and I was getting frusturated with all the noise and commotion going on around me. I turned around to tell my children to get in their pajamas for the 50th time so I could put them to bed, and this is what I discovered.
Super Kids dah dah dah... I decided my brain needed a little a break and maybe my children did to. So I parked my behind on the chair in our front room and started snapping (with camera) away.
Will these one day become black mail pictures????
Maddie didn't realized I was taking picts. until after these were taken. Her eyes were closed and she was concentrating so hard. She said she was pretending to fly to Grandma's house.
After Hunter was sent to get his pj's on for the 50th time that night apparently Maddie thought our skeleton friend needed to play too.
Posted by kory and tina family at 1:58 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 03, 2007
2nd Annual Bear Boutique
As I mentioned last month I decided to participate in the 2nd Annual Bear Boutique this year. Since I sent my application along with my $25.00 fee I have been a little dissapointed and frusturated. I had to have the application and money in by Oct. 5. Then I would be told if I would have a booth by Oct. 9. I had submitted everything in plenty of time. Oct 9 came and went as I was waiting. Oct. 19 (10 days later) one of my many messages was finally returned and I was told that I was on the list for this year. This gave me 2 weeks before the big day. I didn't want to spend money and waste my time if I wasn't going to be able to participate so I waited until I knew for sure before I began crafting away.
Thanks to a good friend Mandy she and I pulled some very late nights making these magnet boards. We had supplies to make 16 big ones but only got 6 of them done. We made 3 Christmas and 3 everday boards. To give you an idea of how big these are I had Hunter stand next to one. This is my favorite Christmas board. The greens and stripes go with my kitchen. I'm going to hang it above my kitchen table and it will hold all my christmas cards we recieve this year.
This is Madelyn's favorite. Lucky for her it is now hers. She is so thrilled. My fridge is always covered with school projects and different papers she and Hunter bring home from school and nursery. It's not until I run out of magnets and space on my refrigerator that I can finally take some down just to be replaced with more. So this is her future spot for all those priceless pages.
Besides the big 6 magnet boards we also made 6 12x12 board. The thoughts for these are they can sit on a kitchen counter and look decorative or can hold a recipe card, notes, phone numbers, etc.
So for the big day I had 12 magnet boards, several hair bows, flannel boards with 4 different stories/songs (The Very Hungry Catiperpillar, Brown Bear Brown Bear, 5 Little Snowflakes and 5 Little Speckled Frogs). Now that its over I'm so thankful that my scroll saw broke and I wasn't able to make my 20 puzzles that I already have the pictures glued to boards and all they need is cut out. The boutique was from 9-4 today and was a very good learning experience. I will NEVER participate in another one. (I did another craft show about 3 years ago and sold only 2 items). Today I sold 2 hairbows and 4 flannel board stories. During the 7 hours of waiting for someone to buy something I continued to price my items down. So how much did I make for those 6 items???? $22.00
It wasn't just me. There were not many that made money. Most people earned the $25 booth fee back but not much more. There was very poor advertising and very poor directions. The friend that helped me with the magnet boards had a hard time finding us and she knew we were at the highschool. Over all it was most definitely a bomb. I did not make a little extra money as I was hoping for.
Kory mentioned that since this is the 2nd time this has happened to me the next time I want to do something like this he'll just give me $100 to go spend however I want. We'd probably still come out ahead.
Despite the dissapointment of almost not selling anything I did have a good time. I met many knew people and had a nice break out of the house and from my children. My booth was next to a friends so we had each other to keep company. Being I didn't sale any magnets boards they are going to make nice Christmas gifts this year.
Posted by kory and tina family at 6:08 PM 2 comments
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Halloween 2007
Yeah!!! It's finally here! Tonight is halloween.
For dinner we had chicken strips with homemade bat-fry's and ketchup I also had a pitcher of water with a frozen green hand floating in it. The kids loved it. Hunter wanted a picture of it but the ice melted too quickly and I never got a good picture.
What will everyone be??????
Emily was her m&m.
Maddie was a carebear. A friend called about her neighbor having a garage sale last saturday. This neighbor was selling the costume for $2.00. Knowing how warm it would keep her I took it. It fit her very snugly. It will be too small for her for next year.
Hunter 10 minutes before we walked out the door changed his mind from being a ninja turtle to The Rock off of Fantastic 4. I bought his costume at Wal Mart when I was pregnant with Emily on their clearance rack for $1.00. Hunter usually wears this costume when Maddie puts on her dress up dresses. He's changed his mind so much lately I wasn't too surprised he would choose a costume he's been wearing at least once a week for over a year now.
Of all Halloween Nights I believe this was our warmest. Kory walked around the church in a short sleeve shirt. The baby and I had a long sleeve shirt on with our m&m costumes on. No one got too cold. The wind wasn't blowing, it was realitively warm what a great night for trunk or treating.
We came hope with 2 bags of candy. The kids were in heaven. When the bags were dumped on the floor Emily was right there with them.
Emily quickly found her favorite candy. M&M's and a roll of smarties.
I have had several comments on all my childrens different costumes that they have worn this year. I thought I'd better clarify. I was in Vegas visiting my parents 3 years ago after Halloween. Maddie was just 4 months old. While there I went to the local grocery store and found many costumes 75-90%off. That is when I bought the witch costume, and the ghost costume that Maddie has worn this year. I also bought a vampire costume, and Hunter's pirate costume at that time. I don't remember how much each costume was but I remember thinking I had just bought 4 costumes for under $5 that my kids would eventually grow into.
Like my mom did growing up I have a big box full of halloween costumes. Most of these costumes I have been given or bought for just a few dollars. So like the past couple of years I pulled the box out and let the kids pick something out for this year. I did buy a few accessories to go with the costumes this year. But hey they'll have them all for next year and I won't have to buy any then.
Posted by kory and tina family at 7:36 AM 1 comments
Preschool Halloween Party
I ran to the grocery store monday night and while buying groceries I came upon this hat and hook for Hunter. The hook was $.88 and the hat was already 50%off making it $3.00. I figured what the heck and bought it for him.
His excitement tuesday morning was comical when I showed him what I had bought to go along with his costume. So needless to say Hunter was a pirate for his party. Maddie was a ghost. She was so cute. She wanted to wear this costume to the park party but I talked her out of it. I figured it would be too cold and too white for the park.
So off to the party they went. I took picts. of the party but blogger won't let me post them for some reason this morning. So maybe later I'll get them to work.
Posted by kory and tina family at 7:12 AM 1 comments