I have stopped teaching preschool and have requested to be released from YW's trying to stay down more and follow doctor's orders. To help relieve the stress part of things I am doing my best trying to finish up this year's school semester a little early. Taking online classes allows me to do this. I've finished one class and have just one more to go. It will be a relief when I'm done for the semester!
There are a few sewing projects that I've wanted to do in preparation for our new baby. I would like to re-do baby's car seat, make some burp cloths and get started on her blessing dress. If baby waits the full 40 weeks to make her presence, she'll be 2 weeks old when she's blessed. I don't think I'll feel like making her dress after she's born! I've started on one of these projects and will have pictures to show off soon!
The "moderate" bed rest seems to be making a difference. I honestly didn't think it would do any good and at the beginning of the week I couldn't see/feel a difference. Now that I've been doing the "bed rest" for a little more than a week I think there has been a change. Hopefully this is all that I will need to do. My next Dr.'s appt is in 10 days. I'm anxious to see if my body's made any changes. I've never made it to the full 40 weeks and this pregnancy probably won't be any different than the previous 4. My first was at 34weeks (my water broke). 2nd-39weeks, 3rd-38 weeks, 4th-37 weeks. Is this a pattern that will continue to go? Will this one be 36weeks? To think I could be done carrying this baby girl in 4 weeks is starting sound pretty good. However, I hope she'll wait till at least 37 weeks being that's considered full term. As much as I'm ready to start getting my body back I'm willing to wait as long as I need even if it's the full 40 weeks if it means a healthy, full term, baby girl!
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